High carbon stock ecosystems at the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum
The Global Peatlands Initiative will be at the upcoming Oslo Tropical Forest Forum on June 27th and 28th, with several partner members among the speakers for various panel discussions.
Of special interest is Session 3B on June 28th at 9am on High carbon stock ecosystems: Incorporating mangroves and peatlands into REDD+ strategies.
The session will highlight the importance of the climate and other ecosystem services provided by wetland forests. Participants will share ideas and discuss strategies on how to increase attention to these relatively small and underappreciated areas – in particular in national and jurisdictional REDD+ strategies.
Moderator: Tim Christophersen, Coordinator, Freshwater, Land and Climate Branch, UN Environment
- Arlette Soudan-Nonault, Minister of Environment and Tourism, Republic of Congo
- Ola Elvestuen, Minister of Climate and Environment, Norway
- Catherine Lovelock, Professor, The University of Queensland
- Daniel Murdiyarso, Principal Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research
- Montserrat Alban, Ecosystem Service Manager, Conservation International Ecuador
- Nazir Foead, Head of the Agency, BRG RI (Indonesia Peatland Restoration Agency)
Find more information about the event on the official website: https://www.norad.no/en/front/events/oslo-tropical-forest-forum-2018/
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