Oceania Global Peatlands Assessment at the Soil Science Conference
Peatlands are estimated to cover 7 million hectares in Oceania, yet are among the most threatened and least understood in the world. Covering a diverse region, including Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand the Pacific Island Countries and territories, substantial areas of coastal and lowland peatlands have been lost since European settlement. Key drivers of change across the region are drainage and agricultural conversion, climate change and fire. Rewetting and restoration of degraded peatlands is urgently needed to meet biodiversity and climate goals.
This December, the New Zealand and Australian Soil Science Societies hosted the Rotorua Soils 2024 conference. Taking place every four years, the joint conference brought together approximately 400 soil and land science professionals from New Zealand, Australia, and the South Pacific. The theme was: ‘Weaving soil science across cultures and environments’. Topics covered are from the fundamental soil science disciplines such as biogeochemistry and soil physics, through to applied soil management across the pastoral, arable, horticulture and forestry sectors.

Mattiu Prebble presenting on the Global Peatlands Assessment (Oceania)
On the 2nd of December, there was a session dedicated to “Global Peatlands Assessment: Oceania”. The Global Peatlands Assessment (GPA), a flagship product of the Global Peatlands Initiative and its partners, is the most comprehensive assessment of peatlands to date, developed by a group of 226 peatland experts from all regions of the globe.
There were five presentations:
Peatlands of Oceania: Focus on the Pacific Islands, Matiu Prebble – University of Canterbury
An overview of current drained peatland GHG research programmes in New Zealand and future directions, Jack Pronger – Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research
Peatlands in Oceania: Focus on Australia – Insights from the Global Peatlands Assessment, Samantha Grover – RMIT University
Seasonal Surface Oscillation of Drained Agricultural Peatlands in the Walkato Region, Justin Wyatt – Wakato Regional Council
Anthropocene Markets in Montane Peatlands of Australia, Rani Carroll – Western Sydney University

Samantha Grover's presentation focusing on Australia’s peatlands in the GPA
Peatlands in the Oceania region are home to many unique habitats and species. Many are under threat. For example, the endemic Sunset Frog is only found in the wettest peatlands of southwestern Australia where it is vulnerable to climate change and land use impacts.

Sunset Frog. Photo credit: Auscape/Universal Images Group via Getty Images
Check out the full presentation here: