The GPI at UNFCCC COP28: Enabling the triple win for tropical peatland countries and more
A highlight of the past year was the strong GPI involvement in the 28th Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP28), raising the visibility of peatlands worldwide.
At the side event Enabling the triple win for tropical peatland countries – advancing water, biodiversity and carbon measurements (10 December 2023), international peatlands experts highlighted the need for updated and upgraded tropical peatlands emissions factors, nature and water monitoring and metrics to achieve the triple win that peatlands offer as a super Nature-based Solution. Take a look at the full recording here.

Speakers from left to right - M Askary, Deputy Director for Control Sources of Peatland Degradation, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia; F Parish, GEC, A Dohong, Vice Minister, Ministry of Environmental and Forestry, Indonesia; IA Suspense, Associate Prof. Marien Ngouabi University; N Andika Putri, Wana Subur Lestari; and F Tanneberger, Director Greifswald Mire Centre.
Peatlands were also an important topic at the Pavilions of GPI partners DRC (Peatland, great nature-based solution, 5 December 2023), Congo Basin Blue Fund Pavilion (Tropical peatlands in the Republic of the Congo: Potential causes of their degradation, 8 December 2023), and Indonesia (Proposed of Emission Factor and GHG Emission Reduction Method on Peatland Ecosystem Based on GWL and in Tier 3 Measurement, 8 December 2023).

Speakers at the DRC Pavilion event Peatland, great nature-based solution on 5 December 2023, hosted by Jean-Jacques Bambuta (far left) of the Peatland Management Unit (MEDD) in the DRC's Ministry for the Environment and Sustainable Development.