GPI Workshop at Québec RE3 Conference 2023: “From Reclaiming to Restoring and Rewilding”
The Global Peatlands Initiative is set to make peatlands a major talking point at this year's Québec RE3 Conference, which will be taking place in Québec City, Canada, from June 11 to 15, 2023.
In the two days preceding the RE3, on June 10 and 11, the Global Peatlands Initiative is co-hosting a workshop on "Building collaborations for effective peatland management in Canada" in cooperation with the Peatland Ecosystem Restoration Group (PERG) and Can-Peat.
The aim of the workshop is to mobilize multi-disciplinary research and collaboration to compile and consolidate Canadian knowledge, data, and experience on peatlands in Canada. Thematic sessions are designed to strengthen the network of individuals interacting with peatlands in Canada, advance knowledge of Canadian peatlands, explore policy contexts from local to international levels, identify key metrics of peatland function, identify opportunities for improved peatland management, and chart a pathway towards a national peatland monitoring network.
The RE3 will also see the launch and deep dive into the North American chapter of the Global Peatlands Assessment by the Coordinating Lead Authors.
The relaunched Quebec RE3 is a joint conference between the Society for Ecological Restoration – Eastern Canada (SER-EC) and the Canadian Land Reclamation Association (CLRA) from June 11th to 15th, 2023, cooperating with the Ontario chapter of SER (SER-O), the Midwest Great Lakes Chapter of SER (SER-MWGL) the Canadian chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS Canada), the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), the International Peatland Society (IPS) and the American Society of Reclamation Sciences (ASRS) to provide an enlarged scientific and field program.
The theme “From Reclaiming to Restoring and Rewilding” aims to stimulate discussions about the range of environmental management approaches in North America. Reclaiming is recognized and practiced by many industries. Restoring is recognized most broadly around the world. Rewilding, or bringing back to nature, allows us to dream. These terms also imply ideas of industry, science, practice, society and innovation for joined up action – running from the practical to the creative.
Find the full program for the conference here. With around 600 people registered, it will host great talks and discussions to favor future collaboration contributing to restoring degraded ecosystems in the light of the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030).
The program includes:
- 420 presentations (oral and poster)
- The Forum UN Decade of Restoration: Advancing the Canadian agenda
- 8 workshops including the Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI)
- 5 training courses
- 16 field trips
- 10 other side events (IUCN Future Leaders Academy, Women in Restoration Luncheon, Students and Professionals Mixer Evening, touristic and social activities)
- And more...
All of this will be covering different topics related to reclamation, restoration, and rewilding.
Combined with the ongoing work to establish a Canadian peatlands initiative and Can-Peat project launched earlier this year, these events are an indication of promising momentum for peatlands action in the region.