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Latest in Africa

Region Africa

Country Congo

Genesis and development of an interfluvial peatland in the central Congo Basin since the Late Pleistocene

Published 27/02/2023 By D. Hawthorne, I. T. Lawson, G. C. Dargie, Y. E. Bocko, S. A. Ifo, Y. Garcin, E. Schefuß, W. Hiles, A. J. Jovani-Sancho, G. Tyrrell, G. E. Biddulph, A. Boom, B. M. Chase, P. Gulliver, S. E. Page, K. H. Roucoux, S. Sjögersten, D. M. Young, S. L. Lewis
Abstract The central Congo Basin contains the largest known peatland complex in the tropics. Here we present a detailed

Region Africa

Country Congo

Allometric equation for Raphia laurentii De Wild, the commonest palm in the central Congo peatlands

Published 14/04/2023 By Yannick Enock BockoI, Grace Jopaul Loubota PanzouI, Greta Christina Dargie, Yeto Emmanuel Wenina Mampouya, Mackline Mbemba, Jean Joel Loumeto, Simon L. Lewis
Abstract The world’s largest tropical peatland lies in the central Congo Basin. Raphia laurentii De Wild, the most

DRC updates their NDC to include peatlands

Apr 30

Overview The Congo Basin’s Cuvette Centrale is the largest single peatland complex in the tropics – approximately 145

Region Africa

GLF Accra Side Event: Peatlands restoration, conservation and sustainable management as an effective solution to climate change challenges in Africa with a focus on the Nile Basin

Published 12/11/2019 By Julie Van Offelen
Peatlands are unique ecosystems that are vital for societies. As a Nature Based Solution, they can contribute