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Water Droplet

Resource library

Monique Barbut, Secretary General, UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) speaks of the the dangers of peatlands degradation and potential solutions – Ramsar COP13, 2018

26 October, 2018

Martha Rojas Urrego, Secretary General, Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, speaks of the importance of peatlands – Nairobi, 2017

27 September, 2018

Martha Rojas Urrego, Secretario General, Convención de Ramsar sobre los Humedales, habla de la importancia de las turberas – Nairobi, 2017

27 September, 2018

Actor Alec Baldwin discusses the importance of peatlands – March, 2018

12 September, 2018

Astronaut Roberta Bondar supports the Global Peatlands Initiative – March, 2018

19 March, 2018

Good peatland Governance to Strengthen Economic, Social and Ecosystem Resilience – UN Climate Change Conference, 2017

17 November, 2017

Region Global

Good peatland governance to strenghten economic, social and ecosystem resilience

10 November, 2017