Resource library
Displaying 37 - 48 of 226

Region Europe
Peatlands in Europe and the way forward: Insights from the Global Peatland Assessment
25 January, 2024

Mapping and monitoring peatland conditions from global to field scale

Region Europe
Empower nature, climate and future now! - Declaration of the “Power to the Peatlands” conference (19th to 21st September 2023, Antwerp, Belgium)

Country Indonesia
Augmented participatory action research in the digital age - Guidelines for implementation in community-based peatland restoration and sustainable business development

Region Europe
Power to the Peatlands Conference in Antwerp: large-scale peatlands restoration through private funding
26 September, 2023

Protecting Peatlands - how InforMEA works (EN)
21 September, 2023
Press release: Peatland protection pays off - Massive conservation and restoration is needed
20 September, 2023

Region Africa
First estimates of fine root production in tropical peat swamp and terra firme forests of the central Congo Basin

Message guidance playbook: Unleashing the power of neuro and behavioural science to safeguard and restore peatlands

Launch of the Peatland Atlas 2023: Facts and figures about wet climate guardians
18 September, 2023