Spotlight on Asian Peatlands at the 17th International Peatland Congress (IPC) in China
Asia is the continent with the largest extent of peatlands, containing 33% of the world’s most diverse and geographically widespread peatlands. These expansive peatlands are found mostly across the Asian part of the Russian Federation, Indonesia, China, Kazakhstan, India, Malaysia and Mongolia. Southeast Asian tropical peat swamps are home to unique and charismatic species such as the Orangutan, Tiger, Clouded Leopard, Sun Bear and Gibbon. However, Asia’s peatlands face growing threat - 13% are degraded, and only 10% are within protected areas.
Understanding Asia’s peatlands is key to shaping the global perspective. The Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI), and its partners, launched the Global Peatlands Assessment during UNFCCC’s COP27 in 2022. The “Global Peatland’s Assessment (GPA): The State of the World’s Peatlands – Evidence for action towards the conservation, restoration and sustainable management of peatland” is the most comprehensive assessment of peatlands to date, aiming to provide a better understanding of what peatlands are, where they are found, what condition they are in, and how actions can be taken to protect, restore and sustainably manage them. You can read more about it here.
On August 6th, 2024, at the 17th International Peatland Congress (IPC) in Taizhou, China, the GPA Coordinating Lead Authors presented the main findings of the assessment’s global chapter and the Asian peatlands chapter. The IPC is a platform for peatland scientists, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders to share knowledge, best practices and new ideas. This year’s theme was “Peatlands in a Changing World”.
Global Peatland Mapping presented by Alexandra Barthelmes (Greifswald University and DUENE e.V.)
The session shed light on the current state of global peatlands and specifically zoomed in on Asian peatlands, exploring their distribution and extent across the continent. Speakers highlighted Asian case studies of peatland management strategies, challenges, and successes to offer valuable insights and lessons. They also discussed peatland hotspots and provided recommendations for policy options to guide positive actions, highlighting ongoing collaborative efforts among diverse actors dedicated to supporting peatland initiatives across Asia.
Asian Peatlands: Distribution, Value and Changes by Zhao-Jun Bu (Northeast Normal University, China)
The session featured key peatlands experts:
Zicheng Yu – Professor at the Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences and at the School of Geographical Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
Faizal Parish – Director at the Global Environment Centre (GEC)
Zhao-Jun Bu – Professor at the School of Geographical Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China
Serena Lew Siew Yan – Peatland Programme Manager at the Global Environment Centre (GEC)
Alexandra Barthelmes – Senior Researcher at Greifswald University and DUENE e.V.
Hans Joosten – Professor of Peatlands Studies and Palaeoecology at Greifswald University
Local Empowerment for Peatland Conservation from Community-based Peatland Management in Riau by Faizal Parish (Global Environment Centre)
Additionally, the online interactive Global Peatland Map, developed by UNEP and the GPI, in collaboration with the Greifswald Mire Centre (GMC), was showcased. The map presents the global distribution of peatlands and provide its geospatial dataset, including various static maps with thematic layers (such as GHG emissions, protected areas, biodiversity, mountain peatlands, fires, etc.) coming from the mapping work presented on the GPA. The maps visualise the global distribution of peatlands and highlight their current threats.
Alongside the Global Peatland Map, the Story Map dedicated to the Asian Peatlands Chapter of the GPA was presented, which uses an accessible language and a dynamic user-friendly interface to engage decision-makers and the general public, offering a comprehensive learning experience about peatlands.
You can watch all the presentations here.