asdfasfd Genesis and development of an interfluvial peatland in the central Congo Basin since the Late Pleistocene Feb 28 Abstract The central Congo Basin contains the largest known peatland complex in the tropics. Here we present a detailed
asdfasfd Allometric equation for Raphia laurentii De Wild, the commonest palm in the central Congo peatlands Apr 30 Abstract The world’s largest tropical peatland lies in the central Congo Basin. Raphia laurentii De Wild, the most
Image Region Africa Country Congo The Congo Basin is critical to the health of our planet Published 15/10/2019 By Lowland and swamp forests, forest savannas, and the mighty Congo river make up the 500 million acres of the Congo Basin Type Articles and press releases Theme Hydrology
Region Africa Country Congo It’s Not Just the Amazon: We Must Also Protect Congo Basin Peatlands From Fire Published 14/09/2019 By Fires in the Amazon have sparked debate around the world, amplifying fears of climate change and the dire threat they Type Reports & briefs Theme Fires