Towards a new compact on peatlands for climate protection
German Pavilion, UNFCCC Cop 23, Bonn (Bonn Zone)
Monday, 6 November 2017
Peatlands cover only 3% of the global terrestrial area, but store as much carbon as the entire terrestrial biomass.
Losing peatlands capacity for carbon sequestration means forfeiting tremendous opportunities for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Joint efforts to conserve and restore peatlands will be introduced and discussed.
Get the PDF here: It is the first GPI related event – this MONDAY 6th NOVEMBER – more to come.
Bettina Hedden-Dunkhorst, Head of Division international nature conservation , Bfn
Christiane Schell, German federal Agency for nature conservation.
Tom Kirschey, nABU.
Budi Wardhana, Deputy Head of national peatland restoration Agency of indonesia.
Sakhile Koketso, Programme Officer, Dry and Subhumid lands, cBD.
Bas Tinhout, Technical Officer Climate-Smart Land Use at wetlands international.
Martial Bernoux, Natural Resources Officer, Climate and Environment Division, fAo.
Juliette Biao, Director, Africa Office, UN Environment.Franziska Tanneberger, Head of Greifswald Mire Centre.