UNFCCC COP24 Event: Towards a joint peatland declaration: Synergies of MEAs to reverse the trend on peatland degradation
Coordinated by UN Environment, UN Convention for Biological Diversity and Wetlands International and hosted by the Global Environment Facility in their Rio Conventions Pavilion, “Towards a joint peatland declaration: Synergies of MEAs to reverse the trend on peatland degradation” side event held 7 December, 9.30-11.00 at the Rio Conventions Pavilion saw contributions from experts from the Ramsar Convention; UNCCD; UNCBD; UN Environment; Wetlands International; International Mire Conservation Group; Indonesia, Mongolia and Russia. The panelists included:
- Francisco Rilla, Director of Science and Policy, Ramsar Convention;
- Dr. Barron Joseph Orr, Lead Scientist, UNCCD;
- Veronica Lo, UNCBD Secretariat;
- Dianna Kopansky, UN Environment;
- Prof. Hans Joosten, International Mire Conservation Group;
- Dr. Damdin Davgadorj, Managing Director, Climate Change and Development Academy of Mongolia;
- Dr. Myrna Asnawati Safitri, Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG), Indonesia;
- Andrey Sirin, Director, Institute of Forest Science and The Centre of Peatland Restoration and Research, Russian Academy of Science
- Jane Madgwick, Wetlands International (Moderator)
This event advanced discussions on whether it could be beneficial and how to develop a peatland joint declaration or work programme across the relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). The aim of the collaboration is to further accelerate action for peatlands protection, restoration and sustainable use by identifying synergies for joint implementation of the relevant conventions. Convention Secretariats, leading International Organizations and contracting parties all expressed their desire to work jointly on peatlands issues as an urgent an important priority. Further work will be carried out amongst the Global Peatlands Initiative partners on developing the synergies and possible work programme or declaration in collaboration with contracting parties.