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Exploring Criteria and Indicators for Tropical Peatland Restoration workshops series

Published by: Julie Van Offelen on November 22, 2020 Author:

CIFOR, in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF), the International Tropical Peatlands Center, Peatland Restoration Agency (BRG) and supported by the UNEP’s Global Peatlands Initiative, FAO, US Agency for International Development (USAID) and Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI) organized a series of workshops on “Exploring Criteria and Indicators for Tropical Peatland Restoration” .

The first session, held on September 2, 2020 helped to identify key contributors and suitable methodology for selecting appropriate criteria and associated indicators based on characteristics such as relevance, ease of application, responsiveness, representativeness, consistency and sensitivity to local conditions.

More information and all the webinar documents and recordings are available here

The second workshop, held on October 14th focused on” Biophysical Attributes and Peatland Fires” and facilitated important discussions on biophysical aspects of peatland conditions such as hydrology (water balance), greenhouse gases emissions (due to land use and land cover change and degradation) and impacts of fire.

More information on the second webinar available here

Finally, the third and last webinar entitled “Governance and Socio-Economic Attributes” was held on November 19th with the objectives to: Engage stakeholders in facilitated discussions with resource persons to allow exchange of knowledge; Identify social, economic, and governance attributes in the on-going restoration when degraded peatlands are rewetted, revegetated and economic activities are revitalized and, Propose C & I for above aspects and identify possible steps of verification processes.

More information on the session is available here

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