Resource library
Displaying 61 - 72 of 226
Peatland Finance event to showcase solutions and challenges
03 May, 2023

Region Europe
EU LIFE Peatland Platform (Berlin, 26-28 April 2023): The benefits of peatland restoration for Europe
27 April, 2023
Theme Restoration
New study: Anthropogenic impacts on lowland tropical peatland biogeochemistry
03 April, 2023
State of the World's Peatlands Global Peatlands Assessment: Evidence for peatlands action
21 March, 2023

The Global peatland Map 2.0

Country Peru
Peatland management case: Restauración hidrológica de bofedales en el Parque Nacional Huascarán
Theme Restoration

Country Peru
Peatland management case: Ampliación del área de bofedales para criar alpacas en Chalhuanca, Perú

Peatlands, Climate and Paludiculture
16 February, 2023
Theme Restoration

Global Peatlands Assessment: The State of the World’s Peatlands - Summary for Policy Makers

Global Peatlands Assessment: The State of the World’s Peatlands - Main report
Why training peatlands researchers is fundamental to good decision-making for the climate and nature
22 November, 2022
Theme Climate and GHG