Resource library
Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

Theme Adaptation
Theme Climate and GHG
Theme Climate and GHG
Region Global
GLF Bonn Side Event: High level South South Cooperation in action – Protecting Tropical Peatlands Together – a Triple win for the Climate, People and the Planet
02 December, 2019
Theme Climate and GHG
Region Global
New IPCC Special Report highlights importance of peatlands for climate change mitigation
15 August, 2019
Theme Climate and GHG
Region Global
Ramsar COP13 Side Event: Towards a joint peatland declaration: MEAs answer to reverse the trend on peatland degradation
25 October, 2018
Theme Climate and GHG
Theme Climate and GHG
Theme Climate and GHG
Region Global
Ultimate bogs: how saving peatlands could help save the planet – The Guardian
31 July, 2017
Theme Climate and GHG